About Me

My name is Will Corona and I am a software engineer. I studied Economics at Fordham University and Software Engineering at App Academy, and I have a professional background in finance and live entertainment. I am passionate about technology, renewable energy, and music.

Outside of coding, I am a gigging musician in NYC, and avid soccer fan. In the summer, you can find me surfing in the Jersey Shore!

My Projects

  • NY Table

    Full-stack clone of OpenTable, with an NYC theme. Built with Ruby on Rails, React/Redux, and PostgreSQL.

    Live Demo Github
  • Touchline Soccer

    A full-stack social media app for soccer fans. Find stats, news, discussion, and everything soccer! Built with React/Redux, Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, and Azure App Services.

    Live Demo Github
  • InDevView

    Collaborative coding platform for live technical interview practice. Create coding rooms, invite friends, and solve coding challenges together. Built with React/Redux, Javascript, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, and Socket.IO.

    Live Demo Github
